This is recognition for all the mentors along my way who have inspired me or helped me in some way. There are so many of you... Mrs. Hughes from the 4th grade who sat and ate crackers in front of us and told us she had ulcers and needed them... the English teacher from the 7th grade who convinced me and my best friend to be editors on the school newspaper....
Many professors from all the college years at every level... you all taught me what professionalism was... I can still hear you in my ear telling me what to look for to write a perfect assessment...
To all the people who helped me when I first began in mental health... John Oda... Mauvanie and Rae... and Von... sweet Von... I love you so much... you taught me more than anyone in my life I think.
And more recently, I must mention Sarah Luce and Terrie Kerrie... you ladies have taught me the value of planning, time blocking and never ever giving up... Lori McDougall, you have been with me for 5 long years as I have worked on licensure... I know our relationship will continue for years to come, in a different capacity of course!
And finally, to all my clients... I have learned and continue to learn more every time I see you. The lessons from my clients have done the most for my professional development. I could never have learned at the level in which is needed to become a "really good therapist" without you. You have all touched my heart in the most meaningful ways, you have given me immense insight and have increased my empathy and understanding of the human condition. I hope I gave you as much as you gave me.
I owe ALL of you so very much!! Thank you for making me the clinician and the person that I am today.. I will never forget any of you...